This use case queries uploaded own Files. In contrast, the Query metadata of peer Files use case can be executed to query loaded peer Files. To avoid limiting the output quantity in advance, the Query metadata of Files use case can be applied.


All parameters are optional. If no parameter is used, all own Files are returned.

  • query allows to specify the conditions for the returned own Files. In detail, the following keys may be used:
    • createdAt is the ISODateTime the File was created at.
    • createdByDevice is the id of the Device that created the File.
    • description of the File.
    • expiresAt is the ISODateTime the File expires.
    • filename is the name of the actual file from the operating system.
    • filesize is the size of the respective file in bytes.
    • mimetype of the respective file.
    • title of the File.

On Success

  • Returns all own Files that match the query.

On Failure

  • The parameters are malformed.

How to execute this use case with the Connector?

The Connector is our first-class citizen, thus we provide you with a detailed API description for every use case. This use case can be executed with the REST API of the Connector which you can Access the Connector.
Corresponding interactive API docs excerpt: