Please find a list of enmeshed error codes below. Most often the errors occur on invalid input or actions. If you happen to find unexpected errors while using enmeshed or cannot deduce the reason for your error, please report it in the enmeshed Issue Tracker.

ErrorCode Description
error.connector.errorInErrorHandler The error handler ran into an error. Check the error message and the stack trace and report this to a Connector developer, because this should not happen.
error.connector.http.methodNotAllowed This method is not supported for the requested resource.
error.connector.http.notAcceptable The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
error.connector.http.routeDoesNotExist The requested route does not exist.
error.connector.unauthorized The Connector is unauthorized, because the API key is not set or incorrect.
error.connector.unexpected An unexpected error occurred.
error.connector.validation.invalidJsonInPayload The given payload is not a valid JSON object.
error.consumption.attributes.cannotSetDeletionInfoOfRepositoryAttributes RepositoryAttributes cannot have a deletionInfo, since they are not shared with a peer and can be deleted directly.
error.consumption.attributes.cannotSucceedAttributesWithASuccessor It isn’t possible to succeed Attributes which have already a successor. Instead, the successor has to be succeeded.
error.consumption.attributes.cannotSucceedAttributesWithDeletionInfo Attributes with a deletionInfo cannot be succeeded, since the peer may have already deleted it or marked it for deletion.
error.consumption.attributes.cannotSucceedChildOfComplexAttribute The Attribute is a child Attribute of a complex IdentityAttribute and cannot be succeeded on its own. Instead, succeed the parent which will implicitly succeed all its children.
error.consumption.attributes.invalidDeletionInfoOfOwnSharedAttribute The only valid values of the property deletionStatus for own shared Attributes are "DeletionRequestSent", "DeletionRequestRejected", "DeletedByPeer" or "ToBeDeletedByPeer".
error.consumption.attributes.invalidDeletionInfoOfPeerSharedAttribute The only valid values of the property deletionStatus for peer shared Attributes are "DeletedByOwner" or "ToBeDeleted".
The only valid deletionStatus for ThirdPartyRelationshipAttributes is "DeletedByPeer", see ‘Delete a ThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute’ for more details.
error.consumption.attributes.invalidParentSuccessor The complex parent successor of this Attribute does not exist.
error.consumption.attributes.isNotOwnSharedAttribute The Attribute is not an own shared Attribute.
error.consumption.attributes.isNotPeerSharedAttribute The Attribute is not a peer shared Attribute.
error.consumption.attributes.isNotRepositoryAttribute The given Attribute is not a RepositoryAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.isNotSharedAttribute The Attribute is not a shared Attribute.
error.consumption.attributes.isNotThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute The Attribute is not a ThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorDoesNotExist The predecessor does not exist.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorIsNotOwnSharedIdentityAttribute The predecessor is not an own shared IdentityAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorIsNotOwnSharedRelationshipAttribute The predecessor is not an own shared RelationshipAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorIsNotPeerSharedIdentityAttribute The predecessor is not a peer shared IdentityAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorIsNotPeerSharedRelationshipAttribute The predecessor is not a peer shared RelationshipAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorIsNotRepositoryAttribute The predecessor is not a RepositoryAttribute.
The predecessor is not a ThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorSourceAttributeIsNotRepositoryAttribute The predecessor sourceAttribute is not a RepositoryAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.predecessorSourceContentIsNotEqualToCopyContent The predecessor sourceAttribute content doesn’t match the content of the predecessor shared Attribute copy.
error.consumption.attributes.senderIsNotPeerOfSharedAttribute The Sender of the Notification is not the peer you shared the Attribute with.
error.consumption.attributes.setPredecessorIdDoesNotMatchActualPredecessorId The predecessor’s id and the explicitly set value for the successor’s succeeds field don’t match.
error.consumption.attributes.setDefaultRepositoryAttributesIsDisabled Setting default RepositoryAttributes is disabled for this Account.
error.consumption.attributes.successionMustNotChangeContentType The successor Attribute’s content type does not match that of the predecessor. An Attribute succession must not change the Attribute’s content type, i.e. an IdentityAttribute must not be succeeded by a RelationshipAttribute and v.v.
error.consumption.attributes.successionMustNotChangeKey The predecessor RelationshipAttribute’s key does not match that of the successor. The succession of a RelationshipAttribute must not change the key.
error.consumption.attributes.successionPeerIsNotOwner The peer of the succeeded Attribute is not its owner. This may be an attempt of spoofing.
error.consumption.attributes.successionMustNotChangeOwner The successor Attribute’s owner does not match that of the predecessor. An Attribute succession must not change the Attribute’s owner.
error.consumption.attributes.successionMustNotChangePeer The peer of the shared Attribute must not change.
error.consumption.attributes.successionMustNotChangeThirdParty The thirdPartyAddress of the shared Attribute must not change.
error.consumption.attributes.successionMustNotChangeValueType The successor Attribute’s value.@type does not match that of the predecessor. An Attribute succession must not change the Attribute’s value.@type.
error.consumption.attributes.successorDoesNotExist The successor does not exist.
error.consumption.attributes.successorIsNotAValidAttribute During the creation of the successor the validation failed.
error.consumption.attributes.successorIsNotOwnSharedIdentityAttribute The successor is not an own shared IdentityAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorIsNotOwnSharedRelationshipAttribute The successor is not an own shared RelationshipAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorIsNotPeerSharedIdentityAttribute The successor is not a peer shared IdentityAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorIsNotPeerSharedRelationshipAttribute The successor is not a peer shared RelationshipAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorIsNotRepositoryAttribute The successor is not a RepositoryAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorIsNotThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute The successor is not a ThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorMustNotHaveASuccessor The successor must not have a successor itself. That means the property succeededBy must be undefined.
error.consumption.attributes.successorMustNotYetExist The predecessor Attribute’s successor must not exist. It will be created by the succession handlers and must not be created manually.
error.consumption.attributes.successorSourceAttributeDoesNotExist The successor sourceAttribute does not exist.
error.consumption.attributes.successorSourceAttributeIsNotRepositoryAttribute The successor sourceAttribute is not a RepositoryAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorSourceAttributeIsNotSpecified The sourceAttribute of the successor must be specified.
error.consumption.attributes.successorSourceDoesNotSucceedPredecessorSource The predecessor sourceAttribute is not succeeded by the successor sourceAttribute.
error.consumption.attributes.successorSourceContentIsNotEqualToCopyContent The successor sourceAttribute content doesn’t match the content of the successor shared Attribute copy.
error.consumption.attributes.wrongOwnerOfRepositoryAttribute A wrong owner was provided wanting to create a RepositoryAttribute. You can only create RepositoryAttributes for yourself.
error.consumption.requests.attributeQueryMismatch The provided Attribute does not match the AttributeQuery.
error.consumption.requests.cannotCreateRequestWithExpirationDateInPast A Request with an expiration date that is in the past cannot be created.
error.consumption.requests.cannotShareRequestWithYourself It is not possible to share a Request with yourself.
error.consumption.requests.decide.validation.invalidNumberOfItems The Request- and the ResponseItem count is different.
error.consumption.requests.decide.validation.itemAcceptedButRequestNotAccepted You accepted a RequestItem of a Request, but you rejected the Request. If you accept a RequestItem, you need to accept the Request as well.
error.consumption.requests.decide.validation.mustBeAcceptedItemNotAccepted The Request was accepted, but a RequestItem that was flagged as mustBeAccepted was not accepted.
The RequestItem was answered as a RequestItemGroup, consider ‘Request and response introduction’.
The RequestItemGroup was answered as a RequestItem, consider ‘Request and response introduction’.
error.consumption.requests.invalidAcceptParameters An attempt was made to accept the RequestItem with invalid AcceptRequestItemParameters.
error.consumption.requests.invalidRequestItem The given RequestItem is invalid. Check the error message or the stack trace to learn more.
error.consumption.requests.missingRelationship You need a Relationship to send/decide that Request.
error.consumption.requests.peerIsInDeletion The Request cannot be created or decided, because the peer of the Relationship to which the Request belongs has "ToBeDeleted" as peerDeletionInfo.deletionStatus.
error.consumption.requests.peerIsDeleted The Request cannot be created or decided, because the peer of the Relationship to which the Request belongs has "Deleted" as peerDeletionInfo.deletionStatus.
error.consumption.requests.servalErrorDuringRequestItemProcessing A serialization / validation error occurred during the RequestItem processing. Check the type definitions of your used types.
error.consumption.requests.unexpectedErrorDuringRequestItemProcessing An unexpected error occurred during the RequestItem processing.
error.consumption.requests.validation.inheritedFromItem Some child items have errors. If this error occurred during the specification of a Request, call ‘validate’ to get more information.
error.consumption.requests.violatedKeyUniquenessOfRelationshipAttributes For a given combination of key, owner and value.@type, there may only be at most one RelationshipAttribute in the context of a given Relationship, whose corresponding LocalAttribute has an undefined succeededBy property.
error.consumption.requests.wrongRelationshipStatus The Relationship needs to be in a different status (e.g. "Active") to send/decide that Request.
error.runtime.alreadyInitialized The Runtime is already initialized. The init method can only be executed once.
error.runtime.alreadyStarted The Runtime is already started. You should stop it first for a restart.
error.runtime.attributes.cannotCreateDuplicateRepositoryAttribute The RepositoryAttribute cannot be created because it has the exact same content.value as an already existing RepositoryAttribute whose succeededBy property is undefined.
error.runtime.attributes.cannotSeparatelyDeleteChildOfComplexAttribute The given Attribute is a child of a complex IdentityAttribute. If you want to delete it, you must delete its parent.
error.runtime.attributes.hasSuccessor The given Attribute already has a successor.
error.runtime.attributes.isNotOwnSharedAttribute The given Attribute is not an own shared Attribute.
error.runtime.attributes.isNotPeerSharedAttribute The given Attribute is not a peer shared Attribute.
error.runtime.attributes.isNotRepositoryAttribute The given Attribute is not a RepositoryAttribute.
error.runtime.attributes.isNotThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute The given Attribute is not a ThirdPartyRelationshipAttribute.
No previous version of the given RepositoryAttribute has been shared with this peer before. If you wish to execute an initial sharing of this Attribute, use ‘ShareRepositoryAttribute’.
error.runtime.attributes.setDefaultRepositoryAttributesIsDisabled Setting default RepositoryAttributes is disabled for this Account.
error.runtime.attributes.repositoryAttributeHasAlreadyBeenSharedWithPeer The given RepositoryAttribute has already been shared with this peer.
error.runtime.challenges.invalidChallenge The challengeString is invalid.
error.runtime.challenges.invalidSignature The signature is invalid.
error.runtime.files.invalidReference The given truncatedReference is not valid. The truncatedReference for a File must start with ‘RklM’ or with ‘VE9L’ in case of a Token.
error.runtime.identityDeletionProcess.noActiveIdentityDeletionProcess No active IdentityDeletionProcess was found.
error.runtime.identityDeletionProcess.activeIdentityDeletionProcessAlreadyExists There is already an active IdentityDeletionProcess. You cannot start another, as there may only be one active IdentityDeletionProcess per Identity.
error.runtime.identityDeletionProcess.noApprovedIdentityDeletionProcess No approved IdentityDeletionProcess was found.
error.runtime.identityDeletionProcess.noWaitingForApprovalIdentityDeletionProcess No IdentityDeletionProcess waiting for decision was found.
error.runtime.identityMetadata.notFound There is no stored IdentityMetadata for the specified combination of reference and key.
error.runtime.identityMetadata.unfamiliarReferencedIdentity The reference of the IdentityMetadata resolves neither to the address of a peer of a Relationship nor the address of the own Identity.
error.runtime.invalidTokenContent The given Token has an invalid content for this route.
error.runtime.messages.cannotSendMessageWithExpiredRequest The Message cannot be sent as the contained Request is already expired. Please create a new Request and try again.
error.runtime.messages.hasNoActiveRelationship The Message cannot be sent, because there is no active Relationship to one or more of its recipients. However, please note that Messages whose content is a Notification can still be sent on terminated Relationships.
error.runtime.messages.peerIsInDeletion The Message cannot be sent, because one or more of its recipients to which Relationships exist have "ToBeDeleted" as peerDeletionInfo.deletionStatus and the content of the Message is not a Notification.
error.runtime.messages.fileNotFoundInMessage The requested File was not found in the given Message.
error.runtime.notifications.cannotReceiveNotificationFromOwnMessage It is not possible to receive a Notification from an own Message.
error.runtime.notifications.cannotSaveSentNotificationFromPeerMessage The given Message was received from a peer, but an own Message is expected here to save its Notification content.
error.runtime.notifications.messageDoesNotContainNotification The given Message does not contain a Notification.
error.runtime.notInitialized The Runtime is not initialized. You must run init before you can start or stop the runtime.
error.runtime.notStarted The Runtime is not started. You can only stop the Runtime if you executed start before.
error.runtime.notSupported The requested feature is not supported.
error.runtime.recordNotFound The requested record was not found. Make sure the id exists and the record is not expired.
error.runtime.relationships.isNeitherRejectedNorRevoked The status of the Relationship is neither "Rejected" nor "Revoked".
error.runtime.relationships.noAcceptedIncomingRequest When attempting to create a Relationship based on a RelationshipTemplate with a RelationshipTemplateContent, there must be an associated accepted incoming Request.
error.runtime.relationships.wrongRelationshipStatus The given Relationship has the wrong status to run this operation.
error.runtime.relationships.wrongResponseProvidedAsCreationContent When attempting to create a Relationship based on a RelationshipTemplate with a RelationshipTemplateContent, the Response of the associated accepted incoming Request must be provided as the response of the RelationshipCreationContent.
error.runtime.relationshipTemplates.cannotCreateTokenForPeerTemplate You cannot create a Token for a RelationshipTemplate of a peer.
error.runtime.relationshipTemplates.cannotCreateQRCodeForPeerTemplate You cannot create a QR code for a RelationshipTemplate of a peer.
error.runtime.relationshipTemplates.invalidReference The given truncatedReference is not valid. The truncatedReference for a RelationshipTemplate must start with ‘UkxU’.
error.runtime.relationshipTemplates.personalizationMustBeInherited If a RelationshipTemplate is personalized, Tokens created from it must have the same personalization.
error.runtime.relationshipTemplates.passwordProtectionMustBeInherited If a RelationshipTemplate has password protection, Tokens created from it must have the same password protection.
error.runtime.relationshipTemplates.requestCannotExpireAfterRelationshipTemplate If the content of a RelationshipTemplate is a RelationshipTemplateContent, the expiration date of the Request within its onNewRelationship property must be set such that the expiration date of the RelationshipTemplate is not exceeded.
error.runtime.requestDeserialization There was an error during the request deserialization.
error.runtime.servalError A serialization / validation error occurred.
error.runtime.startup.noActiveAccount No AccountController could be found. You might have to login first.
error.runtime.startup.noActiveConsumptionController No ConsumptionController could be found. You might have to login first.
error.runtime.startup.noActiveExpander No DataViewExpander could be found. You might have to login first.
error.runtime.unknown An unknown error occurred. Check the error message or the stack trace to learn more.
error.runtime.unknownType The given @type could not be found during the deserialization.
error.runtime.validation.invalidPayload The given combination of properties in the payload is not supported.
error.runtime.validation.invalidPropertyValue A property of the given payload is invalid.
error.transport.challenges.challengeTypeRequiresActiveRelationship The challengeType "Relationship" requires an active Relationship.
error.transport.datawallet.currentBiggerThanTarget The current datawallet version is bigger than the target version.
error.transport.datawallet.insufficientSupportedDatawalletVersion The current SupportedDatawalletVersion is too low to perform the requested operation. This means that the datawallet of the Identity was upgraded by another device with a higher version. It is necessary to update the current device.
error.transport.datawallet.unsupportedModification The following collections were received in CacheChanged datawallet modifications but are not supported by the current version of this library.
error.transport.files.cipherMismatch The actual hash of the cipher does not match the given cipherHash. Something went wrong while storing/transmitting the file.
error.transport.files.invalidMetadata The metadata of the File is invalid.
error.transport.files.invalidTruncatedReference The given truncatedReference of the File is invalid.
error.transport.files.maxFileSizeExceeded The given File content size exceeds the max file size the Backbone accepts.
error.transport.files.plaintextHashMismatch The actual hash of the plaintext does not match the given plaintextHash. Something went wrong while encrypting/decrypting the File.
error.transport.general.baseUrlNotSet The baseUrl of the transportLibrary was not set.
error.transport.general.invalidBaseUrl The baseUrl of the transportLibrary is invalid since it contains a vertical bar |.
error.transport.general.notIntendedForYou If a RelationshipTemplate or a Token is personalized, it may only be loaded by the Identity for which it is intended.
error.transport.general.platformClientIdNotSet The platformClientId of the transportLibrary was not set.
error.transport.general.platformClientInvalid The combination of platformClientId and platformClientSecret of the transportLibrary is invalid.
error.transport.general.platformClientSecretNotSet The platformClientSecret of the transportLibrary was not set.
error.transport.messages.hasNeitherActiveNorTerminatedRelationship The Message cannot be sent, because there is neither an active nor a terminated Relationship to one or more of its recipients.
error.transport.messages.peerIsDeleted The Message cannot be sent, because one or more of its recipients to which Relationships exist have "Deleted" as peerDeletionInfo.deletionStatus.
error.transport.messages.ownAddressNotInList The recipients list of a Message didn’t contain an entry for the own address. This Message should not have been received.
error.transport.messages.plaintextMismatch The own address was not named as a recipient within the signed MessagePlaintext. For example this can be caused by a replay attack.
error.transport.messages.signatureListMismatch The signature list didn’t contain an entry for a given address.
error.transport.messages.signatureNotValid The digital signature on a Message for a peer key is invalid. An impersonation attack might be the cause of this.
error.transport.noPasswordProvided If a RelationshipTemplate or a Token has password protection, a password must be provided to load it.
error.transport.notSupported The requested method is not yet supported.
error.transport.recordNotFound The requested record was not found.
The Identity that created the RelationshipTemplate is currently in the process of deleting itself. Thus, it is not possible to establish a Relationship to it.
error.transport.relationships.deletedOwnerOfRelationshipTemplate The Identity that created the RelationshipTemplate has been deleted in the meantime. Thus, it is not possible to establish a Relationship to it.
error.transport.relationships.operationOnlyAllowedForPeer Only your peer may run the requested operation.
error.transport.relationships.reactivationAlreadyRequested The reactivation of the Relationship was requested already.
error.transport.relationships.reactivationNotRequested There’s no Relationship reactivation Request to respond to.
error.transport.relationships.relationshipCurrentlyExists No new Relationship to the peer can be created as a Relationship with "Pending", "Active", "Terminated" or "DeletionProposed" as status already exists.
error.transport.relationships.relationshipNotYetDecomposedByPeer No new Relationship can be created as the former Relationship is not yet decomposed by the peer.
error.transport.relationships.relationshipTemplateIsExpired The RelationshipTemplate is already expired and therefore cannot be used to create a Relationship.
error.transport.relationships.wrongRelationshipStatus The Relationship has the wrong status to run the requested operation.
error.transport.secrets.secretNotFound No secret was found for a specific type.
error.transport.secrets.wrongSecretType The given secret type is not supported.
error.transport.signatureNotValid A signature is invalid.
error.transport.tokens.invalidTokenContent The given Token content is not of type TokenContent.