Each Attribute contains an instance of an Attribute Value within its value property. There are different types of Attribute Values. The types define the value’s structural definition, rendering information and validators. For example, an email address with the value address@company.corp is stored with the Attribute Value type EMailAddress, which defines

  • the data type of the actual value (a String)
  • how it is validated (the pattern of an email address and a maximum length)
  • information about how it can be rendered on the UI

enmeshed defines a standard set of possible Attribute Value types for Identities within the enmeshed ecosystem and its meaning for the Identities. And every Identity can understand/use/fill/query these Attribute Value types of other Identities.

Most Attribute Value types are atomic, which means that they have only one property called value (e.g. EMailAddress, DisplayName, PhoneNumber). But there are also more complex Attribute Value types which consist of multiple properties with a strong correlation (e.g. StreetAddress, PersonName). These properties can (but don’t have to) contain other Attribute Values.

Identity Attributes

The Attribute Values in this chapter can only be used in an Identity Attribute.


A complex Attribute Value type which defines the affiliation of a person to an organization. Inside of the organization the person can have a role and it can be assigned to a specific unit inside of the organization.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Affiliation"  
role string see AffiliationRole
organization string see AffiliationOrganization
unit string see AffiliationUnit


The organization the person is affiliated to.

It is not recommended to send an AffiliationOrganization to another Identity by its own. Instead, send an Affiliation with the organization property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "AffiliationOrganization"  
value string max. length: 100



The role the person has in the organization.

It is not recommended to send an AffiliationRole to another Identity by its own. Instead, send an Affiliation with the role property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "AffiliationRole"  
value string max. length: 100


The organization unit the person is affiliated to.

It is not recommended to send an AffiliationUnit to another Identity by its own. Instead, send an Affiliation with the unit property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "AffiliationUnit"  
value string max. length: 100


The city of birth.

It is not recommended to send a BirthCity to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a BirthPlace with the city property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthCity"  
value string max. length: 100


The country of birth.

It is not recommended to send a BirthCountry to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a BirthPlace with the country property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthCountry"  
value string only ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes


The birth date of a natural person.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthDate"  
day number see BirthDay
month number see BirthMonth
year number see BirthYear


The day of birth.

It is not recommended to send a BirthDay to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a BirthDate with the day property set.

Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthDay"  
value number min: 1
max: 31
must be an integer


The day of month.

It is not recommended to send a BirthMonth to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a BirthDate with the month property set.

Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthMonth"  
value number min: 1
max: 12
must be an integer


The BirthName is the surname of the person at birth. Some countries allow changing the surname, thus the BirthName is also used as the identification. The BirthName is innate depending on your surname at birth.

If this value is set, there has been a change of the surname throughout the life of the person.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthName"  
value string max. length: 100


The BirthPlace consists of the BirthCity and BirthCountry and can optionally include a BirthState (e.g. if the BirthCity is ambiguous within the BirthCountry).


Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthPlace"  
city string ✓ see BirthCity
country string ✓ see BirthCountry
state string ✗ see BirthState


The state of birth.

It is not recommended to send a BirthState to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a BirthPlace with the state property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthState"  
value string max. length: 100


The year of birth in the Gregorian calendar.

It is not recommended to send a BirthYear to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a BirthDate with the year property set.

Name Type Required Validation
@type "BirthYear"  
value number min: 1
max: 9999
must be an integer


The Citizenship defines which country currently recognizes you as a citizen. Thus, the Citizenship usually refers to the country you have a passport from.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Citizenship"  
value string only ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes


The name of a city. This is usually used as part of a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress.

It is not recommended to send a City to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress with the city property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "City"  
value string max. length: 100


The CommunicationLanguage is an officially recognized language the person can communicate with.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "CommunicationLanguage"  
value string only ISO-639-1 language codes


A country code according to the standard “ISO 3166-1 alpha-2”. This is usually used as part of a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress.

It is not recommended to send a Country to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress with the country property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Country"  
value string only ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes


A complex Attribute Value defining the components of a delivery box address.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "DeliveryBoxAddress"  
recipient string max. length: 100
deliveryBoxId string max. length: 100
userId string max. length: 100
zipCode string see ZipCode
city string see City
country string see Country
phoneNumber string see PhoneNumber
state string see State


The Display Name is the textual representation of the natural or legal person. It is usually combined out of titles, names or legal statuses.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "DisplayName"  
value string max. length: 100


The email address which can be used to reach the Identity over email systems.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "EMailAddress"  
value string min. length: 3
max. length: 100
must match ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,}$


The telephone number which can be used to reach the Identity via fax systems.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "FaxNumber"  
value string min. length: 3
max. length: 100
must match ^[\d+\-x#*()/[\] ]{3,100}$


An IdentityFileReference is a link to an enmeshed File and can be used to add a File as an Attribute of an Identity. One example for a use case is some kind of certificate. How an IdentityFileReference can be used to exchange Files using Attributes is described in the corresponding scenario documentation.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "IdentityFileReference"  
value string max. length: 100


The Given Name, also called first name or forename, is the name given to a person at birth which differentiates it from other family, tribe or community members.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "GivenName"  
value string max. length: 100


The honorific prefix of a person, e.g. ‘Sir’.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "HonorificPrefix"  
value string max. length: 100


The honorific suffix of a person, e.g. ‘PhD’


Name Type Required Validation
@type "HonorificSuffix"  
value string max. length: 100


A house number. This is usually used as part of a StreetAddress.

It is not recommended to send a HouseNumber to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a StreetAddress with the houseNumber property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "HouseNumber"  
value string max. length: 100


A short phrase that describes the position an employee has within an organization. (e.g. “Senior Developer” in case of a software company).


Name Type Required Validation
@type "JobTitle"  
value string max. length: 100


In various cultures, a middle name is a portion of a personal name that is written between the person’s first given name and their surname.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "MiddleName"  
value string max. length: 100


The Nationality is the citizenship of a person at birth. One cannot change the Nationality because it’s innate. Thus, the Nationality refers usually to the country where you are born.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Nationality"  
value string only ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes


The PersonName is a complex Attribute Value type consisting of the GivenName, MiddleName, Surname, HonorificSuffix and HonorificPrefix of a person.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "PersonName"  
givenName string see GivenName
middleName string see MiddleName
surname string see Surname
honorificSuffix string see HonorificSuffix
honorificPrefix string see HonorificPrefix


The telephone number which can be used to reach the Identity via telephone.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "PhoneNumber"  
value string max. length: 100


A complex Attribute Value defining the components of a post office box address.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "PostOfficeBoxAddress"  
recipient string max. length: 100
boxId string max. length: 100
zipCode string see ZipCode
city string see City
country string see Country
state string see State


The officially registered pseudonym of a person.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Pseudonym"  
value string max. length: 100


SchematizedXML can be used to exchange files in XML format. The exchange of XML files is also possible via IdentityFileReference, but SchematizedXML has the advantage that it is possible to validate the XML and display the Attributes in the wallet.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "SchematizedXML"  
value string max. length: 50000
must be a valid XML encoded string
schemaURL string min. length: 3
max. length: 1024
must be a valid URL


The Sex is the biological, medical, or public gender of a natural person.

Please be advised that the possible values are defined by the public laws and technical passport measures between countries.

We embrace the person’s own definition of its/her/his sexual and gender orientations. Therefore we have no “Gender” AttributeValueType (yet). We look forward in hearing your comments about this.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Sex"  
value string one of: "intersex", "female", "male"


The name of a state. This is usually used as part of a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress.

It is not recommended to send a State to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress with the state property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "State"  
value string max. length: 100


The statement allows a very generic digital mapping of facts


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Statement"  
value string see StatementSubject
predicate string see StatementPredicate
object string see StatementObject
issuer string see DigitalIdentityDescriptor
issuerConditions string see StatementIssuerConditions

Statement DigitalIdentitydescriptor

The issuer of a statement.

It is not recommended to send a DigitalIdentityDescriptor to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a statement


Name Type Required Validation
@type "DigitalIdentityDescriptor"  
address string The address of the Identity that owns the statement.
attributes string [] see Identity Attributes


The authority type in StatementIssuerConditions

It is not recommended to send a StatementAuthorityType to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a statement


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Statement"  
value string one of: "ownAuthority", "trustedAuthority", "publicAuthority","relayedOwnAuthority", "relayedTrustedAuthority", "relayedPublicAuthority"


The evidence in StatementIssuerConditions

It is not recommended to send a StatementEvidence to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a statement


Name Type Required Validation
@type "StatementEvidence"  
value string one of: "ownFact", "digitalPublicIDCard", "digitalPublicDocument","digitalDocument", "sightCheckOfPublicIDCard", "sightCheckOfPublicDocument","sightCheckOfDocument", "mediaOfPublicIDCard", "mediaOfPublicDocument", "mediaOfDocument"


The issuer conditions in a Statement

It is not recommended to send a StatementIssuerConditions to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a statement


Name Type Required Validation
@type "StatementIssuerConditions"  
validFrom string The date from which on the Attribute is valid.
validTo string The date until this Attribute is valid
evidence string see StatementEvidence
authorityType string see StatementAuthorityType
relayedParty string see DigitalIdentityDescriptor


The object of a statement.

It is not recommended to send a object to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a statement


Name Type Required Validation
@type "StatementObject"  
address string The address of the Identity that owns the statement.
attributes string [] see Identity Attributes


The predicate of a statement.

It is not recommended to send a predicate to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a statement


Name Type Required Validation
@type "StatementPredicate"  
value string one of: "hasAttribute", "relatesTo", "isRelatedTo" or any string starting with “z-“


The subject of a statement.

It is not recommended to send a subject to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a statement


Name Type Required Validation
@type "StatementSubject"  
address string The address of the Identity that owns the statement.
attributes string [] see Identity Attributes


A street name. This is usually used as part of a StreetAddress.

It is not recommended to send a Street to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a StreetAddress with the street property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Street"  
value string max. length: 100


A complex Attribute Value defining the components of a “normal” address.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "StreetAddress"  
recipient string max. length: 100
street string see Street
houseNo string see HouseNumber
zipCode string see ZipCode
city string see City
country string see Country
state string | undefined see State


The Surname, also called family name or last name, is the portion of the personal name that indicates the family, tribe or community.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Surname"  
value string max. length: 100


The website of the person which can be used to get more information about the person.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Website"  
value string min. length: 3
max. length: 1024
must be a valid URL


A zip code. This is usually used as part of a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress.

It is not recommended to send a ZipCode to another Identity by its own. Instead, send a DeliveryBoxAddress, PostOfficeBoxAddress or StreetAddress with the zipCode property set.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ZipCode"  
value string max. length: 100

Relationship Attributes

The Attribute Values in this chapter can only be used in a Relationship Attribute. Most of them are generic. You can recognize those by the prefix Proprietary (e.g. ProprietaryInteger, ProprietaryString, …). In order to add some validation, you have the option to add valueHints.

Represents the consent of an Identity to a specific topic. To obtain persistent consent from a peer, a CreateAttributeRequestItem can be sent, which contains a RelationshipAttribute, whose owner is the peer, with Consent as value.@type within its attribute property. For more details, refer to the documentation of the Request persistent consent of peer scenario.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "Consent"  
consent string max. length: 2000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
link string min. length: 3
max. length: 1024
must be a valid URL


An arbitrary boolean value.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryBoolean"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value boolean  


A two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryCountry"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string only ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes


An email address.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryEMailAddress"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string min. length: 3
max. length: 100
must match ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+.[A-Z]{2,}$


A ProprietaryFileReference is a link to an enmeshed File and can be used to add a File as an Attribute of a Relationship. Similar to an IdentityFileReference, a ProprietaryFileReference can be used to exchange Files using Attributes.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryFileReference"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string max. length: 100


An arbitrary floating-point number.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryFloat"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value number  


A hexadecimal color code.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryHEXColor"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string min.length: 4
must match ^#([0-9A-F]{3}){1,2}$
max. length: 100


An arbitrary integer number.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryInteger"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value number must be an integer


An arbitrary JSON value. The value property can contain any valid JSON structure (except null).

For validation purposes, the value property is stringified using JSON.stringify. That string must not exceed the maximum length of 4096 characters.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryJSON"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
value unknown max. length: 4096


  "@type": "ProprietaryJSON",
  "title": "My JSON",
  // length: 94
  "value": {
    "foo": "bar",
    "baz": 123,
    "qux": true,
    "quux": {
      "corge": "grault"
    "garply": ["waldo", "fred", "plugh"]
  "@type": "ProprietaryJSON",
  "title": "My JSON",
  // length: 8
  "value": "a string"
  "@type": "ProprietaryJSON",
  "title": "My JSON",
  // length: 28
  "value": ["a string", 1, { "foo": "bar" }]


A two-letter ISO-639-1 language code.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryLanguage"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string only ISO-639-1 language codes


A phone number.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryPhoneNumber"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string min. length: 3
max. length: 100
must match ^[\d+\-x#*()/[\] ]{3,100}$


An arbitrary string.


Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryString"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string max. length: 100




Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryURL"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string min. length: 3
max. length: 1024
must be a valid URL




Name Type Required Validation
@type "ProprietaryXML"  
title string max. length: 100
description string max. length: 1000
valueHintsOverride ValueHintsOverride  
value string max. length: 50000
must be a valid XML encoded string
schemaURL string min. length: 3
max. length: 1024
must be a valid URL