This use case retrieves the Token of a not yet onboarded Device that corresponds to the given Device id in order to onboard the Device to the Identity.


  • id of the Device.
  • expiresAt is the ISODateTime the Token expires at.
  • passwordProtection can be specified as an object for PasswordProtection of a Token. If set, only the Identities that know the password specified within the passwordProtection.password property of the Token can load it from the Backbone. In addition, the optional property passwordProtection.passwordIsPin can be used to configure the UI of the App in case the password is a pin.

On Success

  • Returns the Token of the Device to onboard.

On Failure

  • The Device was already onboarded.
  • In case of password protection of the Token, a passwordProtection.password that does not consist of 4 to 16 digits was specified, but the value of passwordProtection.passwordIsPin was nevertheless set to true.