This use case is intended to retrieve Attributes that the current Identity shared to a peer as LocalAttributes. The LocalAttributes can be specified using a complex query.


  • peer is the address of the Identity that the LocalAttributes are shared with.
  • query allows to specify the conditions for the returned LocalAttributes. In detail, the following keys may be used:
  • If onlyValid is set to true, LocalAttributes that exceed their validity frame defined by validFrom and validTo will not be returned.
  • If hideTechnical is set to true, RelationshipAttributes with isTechnical true will not be returned.
  • Optionally, onlyLatestVersions can be disabled, such that in case of Attribute succession all versions will be returned.

On Success

  • Returns a list of LocalAttributes shared to the peer that matches the query.

On Failure

  • The parameters are malformed.

How to execute this use case with the Connector?

The Connector is our first-class citizen, thus we provide you with a detailed API description for every use case. This use case can be executed with the REST API of the Connector which you can Access the Connector.
Corresponding interactive API docs excerpt: