The Enmeshed data model can be divided into three parts:

  • Transport types
  • Local types
  • Content types

The following diagram gives you an overview of all the existing types and how they are connected to each other. The subsequent chapters describe these types in more detail.

(note that you can click on each type in order to navigate to the paragraph with the corresponding description)

At a first glance the amount of types is overwhelming. But in the following chapters all of them are explained in detail.

Transport Types

Transport types like RelationshipTemplate, Token or File are types that are “exchanged” between Identities via the Backbone. They are created and updated by the Transport Layer. In most cases they have a content property, which contains the actual payload that should be transferred between the Identities. This payload is being encrypted when it is sent to the Backbone, and decrypted by the other Identity when it is received. The following sections describe the different Transport types and their properties.

Note that the properties of the types are the ones that exist locally (aka on the Connector/in the App). The Backbone does not necessarily know about them. The properties that only exist locally are marked accordingly in the tables below. Further there are properties that are confidential and are therefore encrypted before sent to the Backbone, in order to enable end-to-end encryption. Both kinds of these properties are marked accordingly in the “Remarks” column of the property tables below.


Tokens can be used to save arbitrary structured data on the Backbone, which is encrypted with a random symmetric key. You can then pass the ID of the Token, together with the random key, to another Identity, which can then retrieve the token and decrypt it, e.g. inside of a QR Code, which you send to the recipient via letter. Tokens can be handy in a lot of scenarios, for example:

  • You want to share secret information with someone you don’t have a Relationship with.
  • The Enmeshed App currently uses a Token to save a Backup of the Identity. ID and secret key are then encoded in a QR Code, which the user can print out and scan later in order to restore the Identity on a new device.

A token has the following properties:

Name Type Description Remarks
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each Token starts with the letters “TOK”. This way you can tell apart a Token ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
createdBy string The Address of the Identity that created the Token.  
createdByDevice string The ID of the Device that created the Token. You can use this information to track back who exactly did what.  
content unknown The content of the Token. You can add whatever you want here. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the Token was created  
expiresAt string A timestamp that describes when the Token expires on the Backbone. An expired Token cannot be fetched from the Backbone anymore. However, the cached version of the Token on Connector and App will still be accesible.  
secretKey string The key with which the Token was encrypted. saved only locally
truncatedReference string A base64 encoded string containing all information necessary for another Identity to load the Token. You can use it to share the Token with someone else. saved only locally


A Relationship Template serves two purposes:

  1. It represents the permission to establish a Relationship. When sending a Relationship request, the sender has to attach the ID of a valid Relationship Template created by the recipient. Otherwise the Backbone blocks the Relationship request. And since the IDs are randomly generated, you can only obtain such an ID from the recipient.
  2. It can contain data which is of interest for the one who uses the Relationship Template. The Enmeshed App for example expects a Relationship Template content which contains a Request which contains e.g. Attributes about the creator of the Template as well as queries for Attributes that the Template creator wants to receive together with the Relationship request.
Name Type Description Remarks
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each Relationship Template starts with the letters “RLT”. This way you can tell apart a Relationship Template ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
isOwn boolean true if the Relationship Template was created by yourself, false if it was created by someone else. saved only locally
createdBy string The Address of the Identity that created the Relationship Template.  
createdByDevice string The ID of the Device that created the Relationship Template. You can use this information to track back who exactly did what.  
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the Token was created  
content RelationshipTemplateContent | unknown The content of the Relationship Template. You can add whatever you want here. However, if it is intended for a User of the Enmeshed App, RelationshipTemplateContent has to be used. Otherwise feel free to insert whatever you want or need.  
expiresAt string A timestamp that describes when the Token expires on the Backbone. An expired Token cannot be fetched from the Backbone anymore. However, the cached version of the Token on Connector and App will still be accesible. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
maxNumberOfAllocations number | undefined Can be set to limit the number of allocations of this template. A Relationship Template is allocated by another Identity when it is first retrieved by it from the Backbone. After this value is reached, the Backbone rejects each request of any new Identity that wants to retrieve it. Identities that already allocated it will still be able to retrieve it.  


A Relationships between two Identities is the prerequisite for them to exchange Messages. If there is no Relationship, the Backbone blocks all Messages that are tried to be sent. This ensures that you only receive Messages from Identities you know, so you are protected from any harmful Messages like spam or phishing mails.

Name Type Description Remarks
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each Relationship starts with the letters “REL”. This way you can tell apart a Relationship ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
template RelationshipTemplate The Relationship Template that was used to establish this Relationship.  
status "Pending" | "Active" | "Rejected" | "Revoked" The status of this Relationship.
  • Pending: the Relationship was created, but not yet accepted the recipient. In this state you cannot send Messages yet.
  • Active: this means that the Relationship is active. As long as it is active, both participants can exchange Messages.
  • Rejected: the Relationship was rejected by the recipient.
  • Revoked: the Relationship was revoked by the sender.
changes RelationshipChange[] The history of changes made to this Relationship. You can find the definition of a Relationship Change below.  
peer string The Address of the Identity with which you have this Relationship. saved only locally


Since a Relationship “belongs” to two Identities, each change on such a Relationship demands for the agreement of both parties. That’s where Relationship Changes come into play. Whenever one party wants to make a change to the Relationship (like create or terminate it), it sends a Relationship Change to the other party, which has to accept it in order for the change to take effect. If the other party doesn’t want to accept it, it can also reject it. And if the party that created the Relationship Change changes its mind, it can revoke the Relationship Change. The Backbone makes sure that a Relationship Change can only be completed in one of those three ways (accepted, rejected, revoked). So for example if you try to accept a Relationship Change that is already revoked, you will receive an error.

Name Type Description Remarks
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each Relationship Change starts with the letters “RCH”. This way you can tell apart a Relationship Change ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
status "Pending" |"Accepted" |"Rejected" |"Revoked" The current status of the Relationship Change.  
type "Creation" The type of the Relationship Change. Currently the only existing type is Creation. As soon as the termination of Relationships is supported, Termination will be a second Relationship Change type.  
request RelationshipChangeRequest Information about the request of the Relationship Change.  
response RelationshipChangeResponse | undefined Information about the response of the Relationship Change.  

Note that RelationshipChangeRequest and RelationshipChangeResponse have nothing to do with Requests and Responses, which we will discuss later.


Name Type Description Remarks
createdBy string The Address of the Identity that created the Relationship Change Request.  
createdByDevice string The ID of the Device that created the Relationship Change Request. You can use this information to track back who exactly did what.  
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the Relationship Change Request was created  
content RelationshipCreationChangeRequestContent | unknown The content of the Relationship Change Request. You can add whatever you want here. However, if the other party uses the Enmeshed App, and the type of the Relationship Change is Creation, RelationshipCreationChangeRequestContent has to be used. Otherwise feel free to insert whatever you want or need. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone


Name Type Description Remarks
createdBy string The Address of the Identity that created the Relationship Change Response.  
createdByDevice string The ID of the Device that created the Relationship Change Response. You can use this information to track back who exactly did what.  
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the Relationship Change Response was created  
content unknown The content of the Relationship Change Response. You can add whatever you want here. Since the Enmeshed App doesn’t expect any special content here, there is no need to watch out. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone


A Message is a piece of data that can be sent to one or more recipients. The sender is completely free in what the content of the Message looks like. Though in order to enable a normalized communication, Enmeshed defines some content structures for Messages, and in the future there will be more of those. Consider that the Enmeshed App only supports those normalized Message contents. Currently there are:

You can read more details about each of these in the corresponding sections of the “Content Types” chapter.

But if you are communicating with another Connector, feel free to settle on any content structure that fits your needs.

Name Type Description Remarks
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each Message starts with the letters “MSG”. This way you can tell apart a Message ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
content unknown The content of the Message. You can add whatever you want here. However, if it is intended for a User of the Enmeshed App, use either Mail, Request or Response. Otherwise feel free to insert whatever you want or need. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
createdBy string The Address of the Identity that created the Message.  
createdByDevice string The ID of the Device that created the Message. You can use this information to track back who exactly did what.  
recipients Recipient[] An array of recipients of this Message.  
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the Message was created  
attachments string[] An array of File IDs you want to attach to your Message. You receive the File ID after you uploaded a file to the Backbone. By attaching a File to a Message, you share the secret key used to encrypt/decrypt the File, which cannot be undone.  


Name Type Description Remarks
address string The Address of the recipient of the Message.  
relationshipId string The ID of the Relationship between the recipient and the sender of the Message. saved only locally
receivedAt string | undefined A timestamp that describes when the recipient retrieved the Message from the Backbone. undefined when the Message wasn’t received yet. Caution: “received” does not mean that it was read, so don’t mix this up with a read receipt.  
receivedByDevice string | undefined The ID of the Device that first retrieved the Message. undefined when the Message wasn’t received yet. This is of no interest for the sender of the Message, but rather for the recipient itself, since they can use it for audit purposes. sender  


The Backbone allows you to upload files, which are saved as - you guessed it - Files.

Name Type Description Remarks
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each File starts with the letters “FIL”. This way you can tell apart a File ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the File was created  
createdBy string The Address of the Identity that created the File.  
createdByDevice string The ID of the Device that created the File. You can use this information to track back who exactly did what.  
expiresAt string A timestamp that describes when the File expires on the Backbone. An expired File cannot be fetched from the Backbone anymore. However, the cached version of the File on Connector and App will still be accesible.  
filename string The name of the file as it was on the device that uploaded it. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
filesize number The size of the plaintext file in bytes. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
mimetype string The mimetype of the file. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
title string A human readable title of the file, which can be defined when uploading the File. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
description string | undefined A human readable description of the file, which can be defined when uploading the File. will be encrypted before sent to the Backbone
secretKey string The key that was used to encrypt the File. saved only locally
isOwn boolean true if the File was created by yourself, false if it was created by someone else. saved only locally
truncatedReference string A base64 encoded string containing all information necessary for another Identity to load the File. You can use it to share the File with someone else. saved only locally

A File further has its content, of course. But since this is not a JSON property, it is not included in this table. You can download the content of the File separately.

Local Types

In addition to the types that are shared between Identities via the Backbone, there are certain types that only exist within one Identity. These types usually contain metadata about Content types that should not be transferred to other Identities. They are created and updated by the Consumption Layer.

Currently there are two main Local types:

  • LocalRequest
  • LocalAttribute

Each of them further describes some sub types.

This chapter explains all of those types, together with their properties.


A Local Request contains the local metadata for a Request.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each LocalRequest starts with the letters “FIL”. This way you can tell apart a LocalRequest ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
isOwn boolean true if you sent the Request, false if you received it.
peer string The Identity that sent you the corresponding Request/that you sent the Request to.
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the LocalRequest was created
status LocalRequestStatus The current status of the Request. See below for a list of all possible values.
content Request The actual Content object this Local Request defines the metadata for.
source LocalRequestSource | undefined Information about the Transport object with which the Request came in/was sent. This property is undefined if the Request is not sent yet.
response LocalResponse | undefined Metadata + Content object of the response. If there is no response yet, this property is undefined.


Depending on whether it is an incoming or an outgoing Request, there can be different statuses. The following state diagram shows which status exists in both cases and when there are transitions from one state to another:

State diagram for Local Request Status

This status only exists for outgoing Requests. It means that the Local Request was created, but not yet sent.
In case of an outgoing Request, Open means that the Request was sent. The transition to Open happens automatically when you send the Request with a Message.
In case of an incoming Request, Open means that the Local Request was received.
After the prerequisites of the Request and all of its Request Items were checked, a decision can be made. At first, the Decider Module tries to make an automatic decision. It therefore checks all LocalRequests in status DecisionRequired.
If the Decider Module cannot make a decision, it moves the Local Request to ManualDecisionRequired. When the Local Request is in this status, it’s the User’s turn to decide whether they want to accept or reject the Request.
When the User or the Decider Module accepts or rejects the Request, the Response and ResponseItems are generated based on the passed parameters. This Response is saved in the response property of the LocalRequest, but not yet sent.
In case of an incoming Request, the Runtime Module listens to an Event saying that a Request moved to status Decided. It then checks on which way the Request was received (Message/RelationshipTemplate) and sends the Response on the corresponding way (by sending a message or creating a Relationship). After the Response was successfully sent, it moves the Local Request to Completed.
In case of an outgoing Request, the Runtime Module listens to the MessageReceivedEvent and checks the content of the sent Message for a Response. If there is one, it moves the corresponding Local Request to Completed.
When the timestamp in expiresAt of a Request is reached, the Request automatically moves to the status Expired.


With the information in this type you can clearly identify the Transport object the Request was sent/received in. Currently there are only two possibilities: Message and Relationship Template.

Name Type Description
type “Message” | “RelationshipTemplate” The type of Transport object the Request was sent/received in.
reference string The ID of the Transport object the Request was sent/received in.


When a Local Request is decided/received, a Local Response is generated, which contains the Response, together with some metadata.

Name Type Description
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the LocalResponse was created
content Response The actual Content object this Local Response defines the metadata for.
source LocalResponseSource | undefined Information about the Transport object with which the Response came in/was sent. This property is undefined if the Response is not sent/received yet.


With the information in this type you can clearly identify the Transport object the Response was sent/received in. Currently there are only two possibilities: Message and Relationship Change.

Name Type Description
type “Message” | “RelationshipChange” The type of Transport object the Response was sent/received in.
reference string The ID of the Transport object the Response was sent/received in.


A Local Attribute contains the local metadata for an Attribute. There are three situations a Local Attribute is created in the database:

  • The Identity maintains an Attribute about itself (e.g. sets its first name). We call such a Local Attribute “Repository Attribute”.
  • The Identity shares an Attribute of itself with another Identity (e.g. sends it in a Request). In that case, a copy of the original Local Attribute is created, where the shareInfo property is set.
  • The Identity receives an Attribute from another Identity (e.g. receives it in a Request). In that case a new Local Attribute is created, where the shareInfo is set.
Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each LocalAttribute starts with the letters “ATT”. This way you can tell apart a LocalAttribute ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
parentId string If the Attribute referenced by this Local Attribute is a component of a composite Attribute, the parentId property is set to the id of the composite Attribute. Example: if a Local Attribute is created with the content StreetAddress, for each property of the StreetAddress an additional Local Attribute is created. And each of these will have parentId set to the id of the Local Attribute for the StreetAddress.
createdAt string A timestamp that describes when the LocalAttribute was created
content IdentityAttribute | RelationshipAttribute The actual Content object this Local Attribute defines the metadata for.
succeeds string | undefined The ID of the Local Attribute that succeeds the current one.
succeededBy string | undefined The ID of the Local Attribute that is succeeded by the current one.
shareInfo LocalAttributeShareInfo | undefined Information about the peer this Local Attribute was received from/shared with, as well as via which Local Request it was received/sent. If the Local Attribute refers to a Repository Attribute, this property is undefined.


The Local Attribute Share Info helps to keep track of how the Local Attribute was received/sent, from whom it was received/who sent it, as well as which Local Attribute it was copied from (in case of a shared Repository Attribute). For example, this enables us to track back who we shared a certain Repository Attribute with, so we are able to notify each of them when changing the Repository Attribute.

Name Type Description
requestReference string The ID of the Local Request the Local Attribute was received in/sent with.
peer string The Address of the Identity the Local Attribute was received from/shared with.
sourceAttribute string | undefined If the Local Attribute is a copy of a Repository Attribute, then this property contains the ID of the Repository Attribute.


A LocalAttributeListener is created when you accept an incoming Request with a RegisterAttributeListenerRequestItem. It is used to keep track of which Attribute Listeners currently exist and what they are listening for.

Name Type Description
id string Unique identifier of this object.
Remark: the ID of each LocalAttributeListener starts with the letters “ATL”. This way you can tell apart a LocalAttributeListener ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
query IdentityAttributeQuery | ThirdPartyRelationshipAttributeQuery The query the Attribute that is listened to must match. Note that you cannot send a RelationshipAttributeQuery here, because it doesn’t make sense: by definition, both parties know about a Relationship Attribute right from the beginning, because one party requests its creation, and the other one accepts it.
peer string The Address of the peer that requested the Attribute Listener.

Content Types

Content Types can be seen as a data contract between Identities. The medium through which this data is exchanged are the Transport types (e.g. Messages, Tokens, …). This chapter shows all the Content types and describes their intended usage.


A Request allows you to ask another Identity to do something. What this “something” is depends on which of the so called Request Items were added to the Request (e.g. CreateAttributeRequestItem, ReadAttributeRequestItem, …). The Request is then sent to the peer via Message or Relationship Template. The peer can then review the Request and decide whether they want to accept or reject it. And if they accept it, they can even choose which of the Items they want to accept. You can also put multiple Items into a group in order to ensure that they can only be accepted/rejected as a unit.

Name Type Description
id string | undefined Unique identifier of this object. This property is undefined if the Request is inside of a Relationship Template.
Remark: the ID of each Request starts with the letters “REQ”. This way you can tell apart a Request ID from any other ID just by looking at the prefix.
title string | undefined An optional, human readable title for the Request.
description string | undefined An optional, human readable description for the Request.
expiresAt string | undefined A timestamp that describes when the Request expires on the Backbone. An expired Request cannot be fetched from the Backbone anymore. However, the cached version of the Request on Connector and App will still be accesible.
items (RequestItemGroup | RequestItem)[] An array of Request Items and Groups that are part of the Request. There must be at least one Item or Group per Request.
metadata string | undefined Optional custom metadata that can be sent together with the Request. This property is meant purely for developers who integrate with Enmeshed. They can write for example some kind of key into this property, which can be used later to identify the content of this Request.


Request Items can be sent inside of a Request and specify what should be done when the Request is accepted. RequestItem itself only defines some common properties. There are multiple types that inherit from RequestItem, like CreateAttributeRequestItem or ReadAttributeRequestItem.

The base properties are:

Name Type Description
title string | undefined An optional, human readable title for the Request Item.
description string | undefined An optional, human readable description for the Request Item.
metadata object | undefined The metadata property can be used to provide arbitrary JSON content by the sender of the request. The metadata is not processed by Enmeshed. It is a great way to use your own process descriptors at the time of sending the request which helps you identify the correct internal process at the time of receiving the response.
mustBeAccepted boolean The mandatory mustBeAccepted property is used to differentiate between required and optional Request Items within the Request. In other words, if the peer Identity may or may not decide to ignore this specific Request Item. If set to true, the peer cannot accept the Request without accepting this item. For example, some Attributes are mandatory for the business process and thus the respective Request Items must be accepted (mustBeAccepted = true). A consent to a newsletter is optional and thus only can be accepted (mustBeAccepted = false). Keep in mind that if the Request Item is inside of a Request Item Group, then this flag takes effect only when the Group is accepted. So as long as the Group is not accepted, the Item does not have to be accepted either.
requireManualDecision boolean To block the automated acceptance of Requests, the requireManualDecision property can be set to true. The default is, that each Request Item may be automatically processed on the peer side. If the sender would like to have an enforced manual acceptance step of for example an AuthenticationRequestItem or a ConsentRequestItem, the requireManualDecision property can be set to true.

There is a dedicated site that lists all available kinds of Request Items.


Name Type Description
title string | undefined An optional, human readable title for the Request Item Group.
description string | undefined An optional, human readable description for the RequestItem.
metadata object | undefined Optional metadata that can be sent together with this RequestItem. The intended usage is the same as of the metadata property of the Request.
mustBeAccepted boolean If set to true, then this Request Item Group has to be accepted when the Request is accepted.
items RequestItem[] The items inside of this Group. There has to be at least one Request Item per Group. Note that we do not support nested Groups at the moment. If you need this feature, you can raise a feature request.


Name Type Description
result "Accepted" | "Rejected" Whether the Response was accepted or rejected by the recipient of the Request.
requestId string The id of the Request this Response belongs to. The Sender of the Request needs this information to map the Response to the corresponding Request.
items (ResponseItemGroup\|ResponseItem)[] An array of Response Items and Groups that are part of the Response. For each Request Item (Group) of the Request, there must be one Response Item (Group) in the Response. Note that the indices have to be the same for matching Request and Response Items.


Response Items are sent inside of a Response. They contain the response data that is sent by the recipient of the Request. There are three different kinds of Response Items: AcceptResponseItem, RejectResponseItem and ErrorResponseItem. Depending on the actual Request Item, there can be different derivations of these three items. For example, in case of a CreateAttributeRequestItem, there is a special CreateAttributeAcceptResponseItem, while for an AuthenticationRequestItem, the AcceptResponseItem can be used, because there is no additional information necessary next to whether it was accepted or rejected.

The site documenting the Request Items shows which Response Item is required for each Request Item.


The properties of the AcceptResponseItem are:

Name Type Description
result "Accepted" The only possible value here is the string "Accepted".


The properties of the RejectResponseItem are:

Name Type Description
result "Rejected" The only possible value here is the string "Rejected".
code? string | undefined A code telling the sender about the reason for the rejection.
message? string | undefined A human readable message with details about the rejection.


The ErrorResponseItem is only created by the Enmeshed Runtime, in case something happens which hinders you from further processing of the Request Item. It will never be created manually. The properties are:

Name Type Description
result "Error" The only possible value here is the string "Error".
code string An error code telling the sender about the kind of error that occurred.
message string A human readable error message with details about the error.


Name Type Description
items ResponseItem[] The items inside of this Group. For each Request Item of the Request Item Group, there must be one Response Item in the Response Item Group. Note that the indices have to be the same for matching Request and Response Items.


The ResponseWrapper is a wrapper around the Response that is sent by the recipient of the Request. It contains the Response itself, but also some additional information that is required for the Request to be processed correctly.

Name Type Description
requestId string The id of the Request this Response belongs to.
requestSourceReference string The reference to the Message or RelationshipTemplate the Request was received with.
requestSourceType "Message" | "RelationshipTemplate" Specifies if the Request was transferred via Message or RelationshipTemplate.
response Response The Response that is sent by the recipient of the Request.


An Attribute is some piece of information about an Identity itself (e.g. its name, address, birth date, etc.) or about an Identity in the context of a Relationship (e.g. the customer id the of the user the Relationship). Since the two scenarios differ quite a lot, there are two different types for them: IdentityAttribute and RelationshipAttribute.


Identity Attributes describe an Identity itself. Their values are strongly normalized. There is a list of available values here.

Name Type Description
owner string The Identity that owns this Attribute. Only the owner of an Attribute is allowed to change it after its creation.
validFrom string | undefined The date from which on the Attribute is valid. Could be in the future if the Attribute is not yet valid.
validTo string | undefined The date until this Attribute is valid. Could be in the past if the Attribute is already expired.
value IdentityAttributeValue The Attribute’s value.


Relationship Attributes describe an Identity in the context of a Relationship. While there are some types that can be used as a value for a RelationshipAttribute, these types are rather generic (e.g. ProprietaryString, ProprietaryInteger, …).

Name Type Description
owner string The Identity that owns this Attribute. Only the owner of an Attribute is allowed to change it after its creation.
validFrom string | undefined The date from which on the Attribute is valid. Could be in the future if the Attribute is not yet valid.
validTo string | undefined The date until this Attribute is valid. Could be in the past if the Attribute is already expired.
key string An arbitrary key that is set by the creator of this Attribute. It is used to identify the Attribute in a query, especially by a third party. Example: you could set something like customerId in case of a customer id.
isTechnical boolean | undefined Defines whether the Relationship Attribute contains data that is actually relevant for the user (isTechnical=true) or whether it should be hidden in the UI (isTechnical=false).
value RelationshipAttributeValue The Attribute’s value.
confidentiality "public" | "protected" | "private" | When this property is set to "private", it means that third parties are not able to query this Relationship Attribute. It therefore only exists in the Relationship it was created in. If the confidentiality is "protected", third parties can query the Relationship Attribute, but the App shows a warning saying that you should only share it with someone you trust. If the confidentiality is "public", everybody can query the Attribute, without anything special to happen.  


One of the main features of Enmeshed is sharing Attributes. For this, an Identity either proactively sends its Attributes to a peer. Or, if let’s say a company wants to know the birth date of its customer, it can ask for it. Depending on the exact use case, the latter can be achieved with one of a bunch of Request Items, like for example a ReadAttributeRequestItem, or a CreateAttributeListenerRequestItem. All of them have in common that they define a query property, which contains either an IdentityAttributeQuery or a RelationshipAttributeQuery.


An Identity Attribute Query is used to query for Identity Attributes. For that, it defines the following properties:

Name Type Description
validFrom string | undefined The start date of the time frame the returned Attribute should be valid in.
validTo string | undefined The end date of the time frame the returned Attribute should be valid in.
valueType string The type of value that should be queried, e.g. "StreetAddress", "BirthDate" or "Nationality".

You can only query Identity Attributes owned by the recipient of the query.


There are cases in which you want to query some data from your peer that is not an Identity Attribute. An example for this is when an electricity provider asks for the electric meter number of a new customer. Since this information is only relevant in the context of the Relationship, an Identity Attribute wouldn’t make any sense here. That’s why you would send a RelationshipAttributeQuery. Its properties are:

Name Type Description
validFrom string | undefined The start date of the time frame the returned Attribute should be valid in.
validTo string | undefined The end date of the time frame the returned Attribute should be valid in.
key string The key of the Relationship Attribute that should be queried.
owner string The owner of the queried Relationship Attribute.
attributeCreationHints RelationshipAttributeCreationHints Contains information about the value that will be created, like the value type or its confidentiality.


Name Type Description
title string A short text describing the purpose of the Attribute that is about to be created.
description string | undefined A long text describing the purpose of the Attribute that is about to be created.
valueType string The value type of the Attribute to be created (e.g. "ProprietaryInteger", "ProprietaryString", …)
confidentiality "public" |"protected" |"private" | The confidentiality of the Attribute to be created. See RelationshipAttribute for a more detailed description of confidentialities.
valueHints ValueHints | undefined Hints for validating the value, e.g. a regular expression or a min/max length.


Name Type Description
editHelp? string A help text you can use to describe the purpose of the Attribute.
min? number In case of a string: the minimum length of the string. In case of an integer: the minimum value.
max? number In case of a string: the maximum length of the string. In case of an integer: the maximum value.
pattern? string A regular expression that is used to validate the value. Only applicable if the value is a string.
values? ValueHintsValue[] An array of allowed values.
defaultValue? string | number | boolean The default value that is used if no value is provided.
propertyHints? Record<string, ValueHints> A set of Value Hints of all properties. The key is the name of the property and the value a ValueHints object. Only applicable if the value is complex.


Has the same properties as ValueHints, except that all of them are optional. This type is used for some Relationship Attribute values


Name Type Description
key string | number | boolean The actual value.
displayName string How the value should be displayed on the UI.


If you want to query Attributes the user has in the context of a Relationship with a third party, you can use the ThirdPartyRelationshipAttributeQuery. An example would be the query for the number of a bonus card managed by another company (like Payback). A ThirdPartyRelationshipAttributeQuery has the following properties:

Name Type Description
validFrom string | undefined The start date of the time frame the returned Attribute should be valid in.
validTo string | undefined The end date of the time frame the returned Attribute should be valid in.
key string The key of the Relationship Attribute that should be queried.
owner string The owner of the queried Relationship Attribute. Can be an empty string (""), if the owner is unknown or you are querying from multiple thirdParties that could own the attribute.
thirdParty string[] The Address of the third parties the Relationship Attribute should be queried from.


Theoretically you can send any kind of data in a Relationship Template. However, if your peer uses the Enmeshed App, it will only be able to process Relationship Templates that contain a RelationshipTemplateContent, which looks like this:

Name Type Description
title string | undefined An optional, human readable title that should be rendered in the UI.
metadata object | undefined Optional custom metadata that can be sent together with the Relationship Template. This property is meant purely for developers who integrate with Enmeshed. They can write for example some kind of key into this property, which can be used later to identify the content of this Template.
onNewRelationship Request The Request that should pop up to the user in case there is no Relationship yet. In this Request you can send Attributes of yourself the user needs to in order to know who’s Template it is (e.g. company name, address, …), as ask for Attributes of the user you need to know in the Relationship, or send some information you already know about the user, so it can be saved in its wallet (e.g. the customer id).
onExistingRelationship Request The Request that should pop up to the user in case a Relationship already exists. An example usage is a Request with an AuthenticationRequestItem for the sake of two-factor authentication.


The naming on this one in combination with its response property is a bit confusing. Even though the RelationshipCreationChangeRequestContent contains the word “Request”, it has a response property. This is because in the context of Relationships, there are Relationship Changes, which have a request and a response property. But caution: these have nothing to do with the Content-types Request and Response.

Name Type Description
response Response The Response to the Request that was contained in the RelationshipTemplateContent (either in the onExistingRelationship property or in the onNewRelationship property).


A Mail can be sent as the content of a Message. It is comparable with the classic email, so its properties should not contain any surprise.

Name Type Description
to string[] The Enmeshed Addresses of the main recipients of this Mail.
cc string[] The Enmeshed Addresses that should receive a copy of this Mail, additionally to the ones specified in to.
subject string The subject of the Mail.
body string The body of the Mail.
