Features included with enmeshed:

  • Self-sovereign Identity
  • Datawallet capabilitites, i.e. repository of structured data like Attributes and files
  • Datalog, i.e. know what data was shared when and to whom
  • Cross-identity transparent encryption and digital signatures
  • Cross-identity bi-directional data communication
  • Cross-identity structured data synchronization (manual or automated)
  • Cross-device transparent encryption
  • Cross-device bi-directional data communication
  • Cross-device structured data synchronization (automated)
  • Zero-knowledge highly scalable central architecture
  • Zero-knowledge secure central data archive
  • Central timestamp capabilities to proof submission date of Messages

Features possible with enmeshed:

  • Digital signatures on files
  • Digital certificates, e.g. X509 certificates, verifiable claims
  • Multi-signature processes with multiple different Identities (e.g. for approval processes)
  • Multi-signature processes with multiple different devices of one Identity (e.g. for multi-factor authentication)
  • Transparent web authentication without Identity providers, passwords or multi-factor apps
  • Transparent web authorization without Identities
  • Fast onboarding with all required data (getting all the data you need from a client without having the client to enter the same data time and time again)
  • Direct login (press a button out of the app and be authenticated on a website)