

The Connector requires a MongoDB database as its data storage. MongoDB is a document-oriented database. For compatibility and security reasons, the most up-to-date version of MongoDB should be used. For more information, please see

Docker Runtime

The Connector requires a Docker Runtime: Docker is a virtualization technology which introduces highly portable software containers. The Connector is shipped and updated as such a Docker container - the Docker Runtime is the runtime environment which can execute the Docker containers. For compatibility and security reasons, the most up-to-date version of the Docker Runtime should be used. For more information, please see

Visit the official docker docs for installation guides.

Docker Compose

Make sure that you have installed docker-compose. Visit the official installation guide for more information.

Hardware Requirements

No special hardware requirements have been identified so far and as always, hardware requirements strongly correlate with the envisoned usage scenario.

A good starting point for hosting the Docker image of the Connector would be the following:

  • 1 CPU
  • 512MB RAM
  • 1GB HDD

Depending on the usage scenario, higher hardware requirements might be necessary.

Internet Connectivity

A reliable and fast internet connection is mandatory for running the Connector. However, the Connector is only communicating with the Backbone so the corresponding domain (e.g. can be whitelisted and the associated certificate can be additionally pinned.

List docker image tags

Read more about listing available docker image tags here.


Option 1: docker compose with MongoDB

Go through the following steps to start the Connector:

  1. place the file examples/docker-compose-with-mongodb.yml as docker-compose.yml in a folder of your choice
  2. create a config file that can be mounted inside the Connector. Fill the config file using the configuration docs and the example config file. The connection string is mongodb://user:pass@mongodb:27017/?authSource=admin&readPreference=primary&ssl=false.
  3. replace the marked <fields> in the compose file with your values
  4. (optional) follow the steps under log file mounting if you want to persist and access the log files on the host system
  5. execute docker compose up -d in the shell

Option 2: docker compose with existing MongoDB

Visit the official MongoDB website for installation without docker or cloud usage or the docker hub page for information about the installation with docker.

Go through the following steps to start the Connector:

  1. make your existing MongoDB available for the connector
  2. place the file examples/docker-compose-with-existing-mongodb.yml as docker-compose.yml in a folder of your choice
  3. create a config file that can be mounted inside the Connector. Fill the config file using the configuration docs and the example config file
  4. replace the marked <fields> in the compose file with your values
  5. (optional) follow the steps under log file mounting if you want to persist and access the log files on the host system
  6. execute docker compose up -d in the shell

Validate the Connector installation

You can validate the Connector installation by checking its health route. Simply access <connector-baseurl>/health in your browser or using curl.

If the swagger documentation is enabled you can also access it under <connector-baseurl>/docs

Log file mounting

  1. Uncomment the volume mapping in the created docker-compose.yml file
  2. Create a folder where the log files shall be placed
  3. replace </folder/of/your/choice> with the path to your created folder
