App Building Blocks

Platform-dependant App Binaries

For each of the various platforms, each version of the app is packaged into a platform-dependant binary. This binary is then executable / installable for the users. The binaries of the Enmeshed App are created, maintained and published by j&s-soft GmbH and are available free for use within the respective stores.

Following binaries are currently created:

  • iOS App for the Apple AppStore
  • Android App Bundle for the Google PlayStore

An Electron App for Microsoft Windows is currently planned.

Platform-dependant App Sourcecode and Build environment

Alongside the platform-independant code, platform-dependant source code is sometimes necessary. Also the build-steps and processes vary across the different platforms.

  • Cordova Environment for building iOS and Android apps
  • Electron Environment for building Windows applications
  • Web Environment for developing the app

App User Interface

The user interface of the Enmeshed App is platform-independently built with OpenUI5, a JavaScript framework for user interfaces primarily used for business applications.

App Runtime

The Enmeshed business logic for the app is extending the Enmeshed Runtime with app-specific implementations, like multi-profile support, local data handling or automations. You can think of the App Runtime as a more user-interface-friendly way of the Enmeshed Runtime.
